Get to work with these tools There is room for development within every company. It can be hard to figure out how to create more success for your company. Are you currently looking for a way to take the success of the company to the next level? In that case you should definitely keep reading. We have numerous tools that will help your staff meet and work together. With those tools your team performance will go through the roof!
It’s all about making it visual The tools we are talking about are the tools from PATboard. When you want to make sure you will increase the effectiveness of a meeting with either colleagues or customers, these tools can be very helpful. They make your projects visual. That way participants will get a better idea of what the ideas are, what they need to do and where you want to go with the project. Research also shows that a physical board gives the team a sense of achievement. You can easily move a task from the ‘To do’ column to ‘Done’. Making this movement physical through the board will give the team a rush which makes them more motivated.
Two types of board At PATboard you have to choose between two different project boards. There are two categories: glass board and whiteboards. Both of the options come with various designs. The difference? You can hang nanocups on a glass board. Nanocups are innovative suction cups that are very suitable for smooth object, like a glass board. Whiteboards are different, they are magnetic. On these type of boards you can easily hang magnetic sticky notes. These notes can be re-used! When you don’t need them anymore, you can clean them with a wet towel. They will look as good as new and will help you stop wasting paper.
More information Are you curious about the PATboard tools? Take a look at their website or get in contact with them. They can tell you everything about their products and are happy to help you. | |