Books For The Soul Deepak Chopra’s The Seven Spiritual Laws of SuccessEven though the topics in this book are straightforward, they surely made me think differently. According to Deepak, the same natural rules that might help us achieve our deepest wishes also govern the universe. Each chapter explains how these laws can improve our lives and make them more fulfilling. Despite the complexity of some of the concepts, each chapter provides three to five useful applications of these rules. Consider adding The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success to your reading list if you want to become more in tune with your soul’s purpose. Elizabeth Gilbert’s Big MagicLiz Gilbert talks on the mindsets, methods, and routines required to lead the most creative lives. This book will encourage you to change your mind if you’ve ever thought you lack creativity. I’ve never thought of myself as creative, but Liz reminds us that we’re all creative by nature, which put creativity and creativity books into a whole new perspective. Gretchen Rubin’s book The Happiness ProjectThe Happiness Project chronicles Gretchen Rubin’s 365-day quest to identify the factors that contribute to genuine contentment. Happiness is such a nebulous notion, yet this book provides you with useful advice on how to increase your happiness. Because I thought The Happiness Project would be corny, I initially avoided reading it (a lot of happiness books are). I was undoubtedly mistaken. The stories, advice, and studies that Rubin combines are very accessible and thought-provoking. Meik Wiking’s The Little Book of HyggeThe Danish concept of hygge is coziness, community, and wellbeing. The author reveals the routines and ways of life that give the Danes more happiness and fulfillment. Picture cozy blankets, a fireplace, and a cup of hot cocoa. The Little Book of Hygge is more of a coffee table book than a profound work of literature, but it’s entertaining to flip through for ideas on how to live a cozier life. Paulo Coelho’s The AlchemistEven though it’s the sole work of fiction on the list, this book contains 100 lessons about life in just a few pages. A shepherd boy who sets off on a global treasure hunt is the main character of the book. His adventure instructs him along the way about the importance of listening to his heart and pursuing his aspirations. The Alchemist is the kind of book that will speak directly to your soul and provide you a wealth of knowledge for your own personal growth. | |